使用 sentry 调试应用和监控异常

1 注册sentry账号


2 创建项目,并按照提示设置项目

Install the sentry/sentry-laravel package:

$ composer require sentry/sentry-laravel:1.1.0

If you’re on Laravel 5.5 or later the package will be auto-discovered. Otherwise you will need to manually configure it in your config/app.php.

Add Sentry reporting to App/Exceptions/Handler.php:

public function report(Exception $exception)
    if (app()->bound('sentry') && $this->shouldReport($exception)){


Create the Sentry configuration file (config/sentry.php) with this command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sentry\Laravel\ServiceProvider"

Add your DSN to .env:


You can easily verify that Sentry is capturing errors in your Laravel application by creating a debug route that will throw an exception:

Route::get('/debug-sentry', function () {
    throw new Exception('My first Sentry error!');

Visiting this route will trigger an exception that will be captured by Sentry.

3 这样所有在系统中发生的异常可以在 sentry中查看了.

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