:star: 一个完整的 VIM 下的 debug workflow

SpaceVim Layers: debug

原文: http://spacevim.org/layers/debug/


This layer provide a debug workflow for SpaceVim. All of the function is based on vim-vebugger.


To use this configuration layer, add call SpaceVim#layers#load('debug') to your custom configuration file.

Key bindings

Key Binding Description
SPC d l launching debugger
SPC d c Continue the execution
SPC d b Toggle a breakpoint for the current line
SPC d B Clear all breakpoints
SPC d o step over
SPC d i step into functions
SPC d O step out of current function
SPC d e s Evaluate and print the selected text
SPC d e e Evaluate the <cword> under the cursor
SPC d e S Execute the selected text
SPC d k Terminates the debugger

Debug Transient State

key bindings is too long? use SPC d . to open the debug transient state:

Debug Transient State

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