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  • is a laravel artisan command. Laravel has it’s own default commands and you create your own as well.

  • provides a way to interact with the Laravel app.

  • a Command can be scheduled by a Task scheduler, like Cron Job or by the Laravel built in wrapper of the Cron Job “laravel scheduler”.

  • Commands could be Closure based or Classes.

  • “dispatch” is the term that is usually used to call a Command.


  • Containers MAY or MAY NOT have one or more Commands.

  • Every Command SHOULD call an Action to perform its job. And should not container any business logic.

  • Ship may contain Application general Commands.


  • All Commands MUST extend from App\Ship\Parents\Commands\ConsoleCommand.

Folder Structure

 - app
    - Containers
        - {container-name}
            - UI
                - CLI
                    - Commands
                        - SayHelloCommand.php
                        - ...
    - Ship
        - Commands
            - GeneralCommand.php
            - ...

Code Samples

Example: a simple Command


namespace App\Containers\Welcome\UI\CLI\Commands;

use App\Ship\Parents\Commands\ConsoleCommand;

 * Class SayWelcomeCommand
 * @author  Mahmoud Zalt  <>
class SayWelcomeCommand extends ConsoleCommand

     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'apiato:welcome';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Just saying Welcome.';

     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return void
    public function handle()
        $this->info('Welcome to apiato :)'); // green color
        // $this->line('Welcome to apiato :)'); // normal color

Usage from CLI (Terminal):

php artisan apiato:welcome

Schedule Commands Execution

To Schedule the execution of a Command checkout the Tasks Scheduling page.

Define Consoles Routes

To define Console route go to app/Ship/Commands/Routes.php.

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