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Definition & Principles

Read from the Porto SAP Documentation (#Controllers).


  • All API Controller MUST extend from App\Ship\Parents\Controllers\ApiController.
  • All Web Controller MUST extend from App\Ship\Parents\Controllers\WebController.
  • Controllers should use the function call to call Actions. (do not manually inject the Action and invoke the run).
  • Controllers should pass the Request object to the Action instead of passing data from the request. The Request object is the best class to store the state of the Request during its life cycle.

Folder Structure

 - app
    - Containers
        - {container-name}
            - UI
                - API
                    - Controllers
                        - Controller.php
                - WEB
                    - Controllers
                        - Controller.php

Code Sample

User Web Welcome Controller:


class Controller extends PortWebController

    public function sayWelcome()
        return view('welcome');

User API Login Controller:


class Controller extends ApiController

     * @param \App\Containers\User\UI\API\Requests\RegisterUserRequest $request
     * @return  mixed
    public function registerUser(RegisterUserRequest $request)
        $user = Apiato::call(RegisterUserAction::class, [$request]);

        return $this->transform($user, UserTransformer::class);

     * @param \App\Containers\User\UI\API\Requests\DeleteUserRequest $request
     * @return  \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
    public function deleteUser(DeleteUserRequest $request)
        $user = Apiato::call(DeleteUserAction::class, [$request]);

        return $this->deleted($user);

    // ...

Notice we call the Action using Apiato::call() which triggers the run function in the Action as well inform the action which UI called it, ($this->getUI()) in case you wanna handle the same Action differently based on the UI type.

The second parameter of the call function is an array of the Action parameters in order. When you need to pass data to the Action, it’s recommended to pass the Request Object as it should be the place that holds the state of your current request.

Refer to the Magical Call page for more info and examples on how to use the call function.

Example: Usage from Routes Endpoint:


$router->post('login', [
    'uses' => 'Controller@loginUser',

$router->post('logout', [
    'uses'       => 'Controller@logoutUser',
    'middleware' => [

Controller response builder helper functions

Many helper function are there to help you build your response faster, those helpers exist in the vendor/apiato/core/Traits/ResponseTrait.php.

Some functions

transform This is the most useful function which you will be using in most cases.

  • First required parameter accepts data as object or Collection of objects.
  • Second required parameter is the transformer object
  • Third optional parameter take the includes that should be returned by the response, ($availableIncludes and $defaultIncludes in the transformer class).
  • Fourth optional parameter accepts meta data to be injected in the response.
// $user is a User Object
return $this->transform($user, UserTransformer::class);

// $orders is a Collection of Order Objects
return $this->transform($orders, OrderTransformer::class, ['products', 'recipients', 'store', 'invoice']);

withMeta This function allows including meta data in the response.

$metaData = ['total_credits', 10000];

return $this->withMeta($metaData)->transform($receipt, ReceiptTransformer::class);

json This function allows passing array data to be represented as json.

return $this->json([
    'foo': 'bar'

Other functions

  • accepted
  • deleted
  • noContent
  • // Some functions might not be documented, so refer to the vendor/apiato/core/Traits/ResponseTrait.php and see the public functions.

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