Exceptions Formatters 本文未发布 发布文章


Definition & Principles

In Apiato you can format any Exception response the way you want, using the Exception Formatters (same like Transformers but for Exception Responses).
Apiato uses the Heimdal package, which allows you to format your API exceptions responses using Formatter classes. For more details visit the package documentation.
By default Apiato have basic ExceptionFormatters for outputting Exceptions in a good format.
These Formatters can by modified, example: in case using the JSON API payloads, you may change the provided formatters to return JSON API Error response .


  • All Formatters MUST extend from Apiato\Core\Exceptions\Formatters\ExceptionsFormatter.

Folder Structure

 - app
    - Ship
        - Exceptions
            - Formatters
                - HttpExceptionFormatter.php
                - ExceptionFormatter.php
                - ...

Code Samples


namespace App\Ship\Exceptions\Formatters;

use Apiato\Core\Exceptions\Formatters\ExceptionsFormatter as CoreExceptionsFormatter;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;

class AuthorizationExceptionFormatter extends CoreExceptionsFormatter

    public function responseData(Exception $exception, JsonResponse $response)
        return [
            'code'        => $exception->getCode(),
            'message'     => $exception->getMessage(),
            'errors'      => 'You have no access to this resource!',
            'status_code' => self::STATUS_CODE,

    function modifyResponse(Exception $exception, JsonResponse $response)
        return $response;

    public function statusCode()
        return self::STATUS_CODE;
  • The responseData is where you format the response.
  • The STATUS_CODE is the status code which will be sent in header. (status_code could be the same as the header code).
  • The modifyResponse allows you to alter the response when needed. Example:

    public function modifyResponse(Exception $exception, JsonResponse $response)
        // append exception headers to the response headers.
        if (count($headers = $exception->getHeaders())) {
        return $response;

Create your own Formatter

You can add your own formatters (or override existing ones) anytime.
All Formatters live in App/Ship/Exceptions/Formatters.
By default Apiato provides formatters to format basic Exceptions (or HTTP Exceptions) as well as “common” Exceptions like AuthenticationException and so on.

Registering Your Formatters

In order to inform Apiato to use your new AwesomeExceptionFormatter you need to register it. This can be done in the App/Ship/Configs/optimus.heimdal.php configuration file.

Take a look at the optimus.heimdal.formatters key. This array defines a key-value list that declares a Mapping between an Exception class and the corresponding Formatter.

Say, you want to register the AwesomeExceptionFormatter for all HttpExceptions add a new line to the top of this array, like so:

'formatters' => [

    SymfonyException\HttpException::class => \Your\Custom\Namespace\AwesomeExceptionFormatter::class,

    // the already defined exception formatters from Apiato
    // ...

Note: the order of the formatters matter.
When throwing anException with throw new XException() the new AwesomeExceptionFormatter is used to format the Exception respectively.

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