



每个 Livewire 组件都会经历一个生命周期。生命周期钩子允许您在组件生命周期的任何部分或在更新特定属性之前运行代码。

钩子 描述
boot 在每次请求时运行,在组件实例化之后,任何其他生命周期方法被调用之前立即运行。
booted 在每次请求时运行,在组件 mounthydrate 之后,任何 update 方法被调用之前。
mount 仅运行一次,在实例化组件之后, render() 方法被调用之前立即运行。此方法仅在页面初始化时调用,此后即使组件刷新也不会被再次调用。
hydrate Runs on every subsequent request, after the component is hydrated, but before an action is performed, or render() is called
hydrateFoo Runs after a property called $foo is hydrated
dehydrate Runs on every subsequent request, before the component is dehydrated, but after render() is called
dehydrateFoo Runs before a property called $foo is dehydrated
updating 在对 Livewire 组件数据进行任何更新之前运行
updated 在对 Livewire 组件的数据进行任何更新之后运行
updatingFoo 在名为 $foo 的属性更新之前运行
updatedFoo 在名为 $foo 的属性更新之后运行
updatingFooBar Runs before updating a nested property bar on the $foo property or a multiword property such as $fooBar or $foo_bar
updatedFooBar Runs after updating a nested property bar on the $foo property or a multiword property such as $fooBar or $foo_bar

请注意,直接在 Livewire 组件类中修改属性不会触发任何 updating/updated 钩子。

class HelloWorld extends Component
    public $foo;

    public function boot()

    public function booted()

    public function mount()

    public function hydrateFoo($value)

    public function dehydrateFoo($value)

    public function hydrate()

    public function dehydrate()

    public function updating($name, $value)

    public function updated($name, $value)

    public function updatingFoo($value)

    public function updatedFoo($value)

    public function updatingFooBar($value)

    public function updatedFooBar($value)

Javascript 钩子

Livewire 让您有机会在某些事件期间执行 javascript。

勾子 描述
component.initialized Called when a component has been initialized on the page by Livewire
element.initialized Called when Livewire initializes an individual element
element.updating Called before Livewire updates an element during its DOM-diffing cycle after a network roundtrip
element.updated Called after Livewire updates an element during its DOM-diffing cycle after a network roundtrip
element.removed Called after Livewire removes an element during its DOM-diffing cycle
message.sent Called when a Livewire update triggers a message sent to the server via AJAX
message.failed Called if the message send fails for some reason
message.received Called when a message has finished its roudtrip, but before Livewire updates the DOM
message.processed Called after Livewire processes all side effects (including DOM-diffing) from a message
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
        Livewire.hook('component.initialized', (component) => {})
        Livewire.hook('element.initialized', (el, component) => {})
        Livewire.hook('element.updating', (fromEl, toEl, component) => {})
        Livewire.hook('element.updated', (el, component) => {})
        Livewire.hook('element.removed', (el, component) => {})
        Livewire.hook('message.sent', (message, component) => {})
        Livewire.hook('message.failed', (message, component) => {})
        Livewire.hook('message.received', (message, component) => {})
        Livewire.hook('message.processed', (message, component) => {})

本文章首发在 LearnKu.com 网站上。

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你将学到如 RESTFul 设计风格、PostMan 的使用、OAuth 流程,JWT 概念及使用 和 API 开发相关的进阶知识。
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