5.4. Zend Framework 2
PHP-DI in Zend Framework 2
If you are using Zend Framework 2, PHP-DI provides an easy and clean integration with the existing framework's container.
Set up
First, install the bridge:
composer require php-di/zf2-bridge
Register it in application_root/config/application.config.php
// ...
'modules' => [
'service_manager' => [
// ...
'factories' => [
'DI\Container' => 'DI\ZendFramework2\Service\DIContainerFactory',
That's it!
If you want to use annotations, please read the "Configuration" section below.
Now you can inject dependencies in your controllers.
Here is an example of the GuestbookController of the quickstart (using annotations):
class GuestbookController extends AbstractActionController
* This dependency will be injected by PHP-DI
* @Inject
* @var \Application\Service\GuestbookService
private $guestbookService;
public function indexAction()
$this->view->entries = $this->guestbookService->getAllEntries();
If you'd like to define injections using a configuration file, put them in application_root/config/php-di.config.php
return [
'Application\Service\GreetingServiceInterface' => DI\create('Application\Service\GreetingService'),
Head over to the definitions documentation if needed.
To configure PHP-DI itself, you have to override the module config in config/autoload/global.php
or config/autoload/local.php
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
Enable or disable annotations
Annotations are disabled by default since PHP-DI 5. To enable them, use the following config:
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'useAnnotations' => true,
Override definitions file location
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'definitionsFile' => __DIR__ . '/../my-custom-config-file.php',
Enable file cache
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'cache' => [
'adapter' => 'filesystem',
'namespace' => 'your_di_cache_key',
'directory' => 'your_cache_directory', // default value is data/php-di/cache
Enable redis cache
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'cache' => [
'namespace' => 'your_di_cache_key',
'adapter' => 'redis',
'host' => 'localhost', // default is localhost
'port' => 6379, // default is 6379
Read more on the ZF2-Bridge project on GitHub.
layout: documentation
current_menu: zf2
PHP-DI in Zend Framework 2
If you are using Zend Framework 2, PHP-DI provides an easy and clean integration with the existing framework's container.
Set up
First, install the bridge:
composer require php-di/zf2-bridge
Register it in application_root/config/application.config.php
// ...
'modules' => [
'service_manager' => [
// ...
'factories' => [
'DI\Container' => 'DI\ZendFramework2\Service\DIContainerFactory',
That's it!
If you want to use annotations, please read the "Configuration" section below.
Now you can inject dependencies in your controllers.
Here is an example of the GuestbookController of the quickstart (using annotations):
class GuestbookController extends AbstractActionController
* This dependency will be injected by PHP-DI
* @Inject
* @var \Application\Service\GuestbookService
private $guestbookService;
public function indexAction()
$this->view->entries = $this->guestbookService->getAllEntries();
If you'd like to define injections using a configuration file, put them in application_root/config/php-di.config.php
return [
'Application\Service\GreetingServiceInterface' => DI\create('Application\Service\GreetingService'),
Head over to the definitions documentation if needed.
To configure PHP-DI itself, you have to override the module config in config/autoload/global.php
or config/autoload/local.php
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
Enable or disable annotations
Annotations are disabled by default since PHP-DI 5. To enable them, use the following config:
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'useAnnotations' => true,
Override definitions file location
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'definitionsFile' => __DIR__ . '/../my-custom-config-file.php',
Enable file cache
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'cache' => [
'adapter' => 'filesystem',
'namespace' => 'your_di_cache_key',
'directory' => 'your_cache_directory', // default value is data/php-di/cache
Enable redis cache
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'cache' => [
'namespace' => 'your_di_cache_key',
'adapter' => 'redis',
'host' => 'localhost', // default is localhost
'port' => 6379, // default is 6379
Read more on the ZF2-Bridge project on GitHub.
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