Laravel 开源排行榜

A simple CMS build on Laravel 5
A simple Laravel 5 class for handling json api responses.
Laravel database import package for easy manipulations
Audit changes of your Eloquent models in Laravel
This package is designed to be an extra layer for the Laravel models, so we can avoid any junk directly in our models.
Artisan command for creating Observer classes in Laravel
Creating (de-) activatable Eloquent Models made easy.
An easy way to send emails with stack trace whenever an exception occurs on the server for Laravel Applications.
A PHP package for Dawa
A simple language files translation manager in your artisan console
A live internationalisation edition tool for laravel
Generates a Postman Collection of all your routes
A easy way to generate all files for a RestResource
A file upload/editor intended for use with Laravel 5 and CKEditor / TinyMCE
Sends a message to Slack when something goes wrong with your Laravel application.
A Laravel 5 (and Laravel 4) wrapper for the SendInBlue API PHP class (as provided by SendInBlue)

Laravel 扩展