Laravel 开源排行榜

Table creator for Laravel 4.2 projects
Laravel, Lumen or Laravel-Zero on AWS Lambda
Laravel 4 packages for sending log error to email
Generates Email Authentication in Laravel >= 5.4 on top of artisan's make:auth command.
Bitwise based permission implementation for Lavarel 4.x
laravel admin cms named JKD
Generate beautiful API documentation from your Laravel application
Document management system with embedding, uploading, downloading for different media types.
Polymorphic content management with node structure.
The markdown and text processor that Nuclear CMS needs.
User and permission system scaffolds for the Nuclear CMS.
NukaCode Laravel application installer.
The Laravel Lumen Framework with nukacode.
Numencode - Content Management System
Console application to check Laravel Meetups near you
Laravel Zero provides the perfect starting point for your next Laravel Console Application.
An Oh Dear CLI tool written in PHP with Laravel Zero.
Laravel Zero provides the perfect starting point for your next Laravel Console Application.
phpcs commands for Laravel.
Extension for actuallymab/laravel-comment package. Allow comment as guest and add other meta-info.
Helper traits to start your microblogging laravel application.
Adds relay specifications to laravel graphql server
lighthouse-ws provides a driver based solution for GraphQL subscriptions with the Lighthouse package.
Bandrek is password recovery token generation using number as code for Laravel 5.4.x based.
Laravel 扩展