Laravel 开源排行榜

This is just for learning purpose. Use the original package instead from the given homepage.
A Multitenancy package for Laravel that keeps each tenant in a separate database.
Logging for PHP 5.3
Application builder for Laravel
Send and receive SMS anywhere in the world using our web services
Send and receive SMS anywhere in the world using our web services
Send and receive SMS anywhere in the world using our web services
A reusable base API client for use with remote services.
Cells are view components for Laravel 4. They are mini-controllers with their own MVC stack, can invoke logic and render views.
Maps Laravel Eloquent models to Elasticsearch types.
Unified search for Laravel models using Elasticsearch.
RelateIQ API v2 client for Laravel & standalone projects.
Single Table Inheritance (STI) implemented as a Trait for Laravel Eloquent models
A middleware that adds attributes to your request object that describe the users browser. This will let you fine tune the templates or code to use based on the traits of the browser.
A PHP SDK for the API with support for Laravel 5
Adds an ODBC driver to Laravel 4.1
Laravel 4 package to embed disqus comment

Laravel 扩展