Laravel 开源排行榜

A fork of Adam Wathan's jigsaw static site builder repurposed to build bash and conf files
Gives the models the ability to be validated before saved.
Magical (as in saves manual work quite a lot) Cache Decorator for Laravel 5. Designed for usage with repositories but easily usable for other uses. If there's enough interest, can be made framework agnostic.
Allows filtering Eloquent queries by input filters
Winzou State Machine service provider for Laravel
A Laravel wrapper and facade package for the Plesk RPC API
Checks the SensioLabs security advisor for security issues with your libraries.
PHP implementation of CORS which strictly follows specification by it's OOP model design. It supports Laravel framework applications.
Laravel 5 - Repositories to the database layer
A backend package boost up your Laravel 5.1 backend development
Artis is a complete eCommerce framework for Laravel.
A prometheus exporter for the Laravel web framework
Inotify bindings for ReactPHP (forked from mkraemer/react-inotify)
package for laravel 5.2 retrieve user datas serve for restful api authentication.
RRS is package for generate React Render Server Boilerplate with Laravel/Lumen.

Laravel 扩展