Laravel 开源排行榜

Dynamic menu structure for Laravel 5.1
Smarty template engine for Laravel 4
Package for send emails with attachments via elastic email driver
Easy and powerful CMS for Laravel
阿里云通信(阿里大于) For Laravel
A WeChat applet (xiaochengxu) plugins for Laravel 5.
OAuth2 Server for Laravel, using
Autocomplete implementation using PHP and Redis
A simple PHP librarie for Artificial Neural Networks
Over-simplified media library for Laravel 5
A lightweight yet versatile CRUD micro-framework for Laravel, with dynamic pagination and search controls, query caching, presenters, localization, support for APIs and DDD-style bounded contexts.
This is an OOP way to build bootstrap menu, with nested sub-menus.
A simple database logger for all outgoing emails sent by Laravel website.
A simple database logger for all outgoing emails sent by Laravel website.
Laravel wrapper for PHP Excel. A fork of the Maatwebsite PHPWrapper.
Laravel wrapper around OAuth 1 & OAuth 2 libraries.
User Authentication Management System using Laravel PHP Framework
A simple, secure php authentication and OAuth 2.0 authorization server using Laravel framework, Socialite and Passport
A simple, secure php authentication server using Laravel, Socialite Passport and Material Design Lite
A simple, secure php authentication server using Laravel, Socialite Passport and Material Design Lite
Laravel Client application for Vinkas Visa
Laravel 扩展