Laravel 开源排行榜

List of users for adminamazing
Payeer payment system for laravel
Perfect Money payment system for laravel
List of tickets for adminamazing
The Elastix Call Center Protocol Revealed laravel
A quick way to create menus in Laravel 5
API Parser for Semok (SetranMedia Autoblog Framework)
Scrapper for Semok (SetranMedia Autoblog Framework)
An innovative CMS for Laravel 5
Lemberg Project based on The Laravel Framework.
A Laravel 5 package to retrieve Google Analytics data.
FireVel is a collection of usefull stuff for Laravel applications.
Get a list of laravel routes in your browser
This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel
Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel 5.
Laravel package to sort Eloquent models
A venturecraft/revisionable fork with IP tracking enabled.
Easy way to interact with ExactTarget REST API in Laravel
Fixed the Sublime editor link path when running a project from a VM
A laravel package of ueditor,which is baidu's open source WYSIWYG editor

Laravel 扩展