Laravel 开源排行榜

Debug info in laravel api response
Laravel 5+ package for auto dump mysql database to local storage or to cloud
Make ajax validation with Laravel Requests for forms with bootstrap
This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel
A Laravel gravatar package for retrieving gravatar image URLs or checking the existance of an image.
Validate forms transparently with Javascript reusing your Laravel Validation Rules, Messages, and FormRequest
Laravel 5 package for logging SQL queries.
jmespath.php service provider for Laravel 5
UEditor for laravel5. Support i18n. UEditor is a Rich Text Web Editor From Baidu.
Abuse Reportable Polymorphic Eloquent Models for Laravel 5
Credits, Badges and Ranks for Eloquent Models for Laravel 5
Laravel Log Keeper helps rotating you logs while storing them anywhere you want with custom local/remote retention policies
A Laravel Cashier interface to's subscription native billing services.
Better tcpdf support for laravel 5
A multi-framework Composer library installer

Laravel 扩展