Laravel 开源排行榜

Use Aliyun oss as Storage for Laravel 5.0+
A simple Laravel server to server api sign and verify class.
Make form handling in Laravel simpler.
Angulara Workflow and Framework based on Laravel & AngularJS
Admin manage of laravel
A easy to handle auto refreshment package for your laravel project demos
Laravel 5.5 package, this package is a wrapper around erusev/parsedown for Laravel
Laravel package for presenting sites still in develompment.
A simple Laravel-style way to create breadcrumbs in Laravel 5+.
Simple, Powerful Blog Publishing Platform
Laravel 5 Package for easily displaying table views for Eloquent Collections with search and sort functionality built in.
The helper class for Laravel (4/5) applications to get active class base on current route
The Laravel Boilerplate Project's Modular Maker.
This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel
A Laravel 5 package to retrieve Google Analytics data.

Laravel 扩展