Laravel 开源排行榜

Localization plugin. Provides simple localization to notice users of a localizated field.
Log Reader plugin. Let you see and search logs.
Package that transforms the grammatical case of strings.
Web interface for the Laravel 'artisan' utility
Laravel 5.* package for quick developer protection functions
Replace Carbon\Carbon with Cake\Chronos\Chronos
library for nextcloud user management
a simplepay library for payment
Generates random PNG avatar like Gravatar.
Laravel 5 package for Codebase Exceptions ( handler using Airbrake API
Laravel 5 package to use legacy CakePHP 1.3 for password hash
Laravel 5 package to use unsecured MD5 for password hash
Matriphe bot application skeleton based on Laravel.
Aristocrat implementation for Laravel
A simple User Provider for Laravel 4 using a single config file with multiple accounts support.
A collection of Behat steps I use
Generic admin interface for Laravel
Laravel middleware that adds a header to the page when not in production so you don't mix up dev, staging and production environments
Stores errors from both the client and server side in a consistent format to aid debugging
Laravel 扩展