Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Use Amazon's MWS web services with Laravel 5.x. Based on creacoon/amazon-mws-laravel package and modified to make it compatible with latest Laravel releases (+ bugfixes).
Freguesias is a bundle for Laravel with all Portuguese administrative regions.
Postal-PT is a bundle for Laravel with all Portuguese postal codes.
Admin interface for managing backups in Backpack, on Laravel 5.2+
Dynamic save mysql dumps to your specific Storage
An extension for eloquent class (Laravel)
A single DB multitenancy package for Laravel based on subdomain routing.
A webmozart/json service provider for Laravel
Laravel framework Service Provider to automatic loading IP ranges of Cloudflare trust proxies.
Teamspeak 3 PHP Framework Service Provider for Laravel Framework
PHP_CodeSniffer custom Sniff for Laravel coding standard
A simple repository architecture for Laravel.
A Laravel package to track history of your models
Rewrite Laravel 5 Controller Dispatcher For Version Control
Rewrite Laravel AuthServiceProvider
Easily copy your complete database (structure and content) between environments.
Com esse pacote você poderá consultar, gratuitamente, CPFs diretamente no site da receita.

Laravel 扩展