
Contain Service Provider for Laravel to be extended by other packages as well as modified versions of Service Provider from Laravel 4.2.12
Automatic database backup for Laravel
Allows for assets like js and css to be easily managed and called in Laravel
Laravel Passport provides OAuth2 server support to Laravel.
An automated tool, which you to measure your website's quality.
Get 10x performance for Laravel on Swoole or Workerman
Laravel ile yazılmış olan Resource Controller rotalarını farklı dillere çevrilebilir yapan paket
A utility package for logging in as other users
Think turbolinks but for your PHP application. Powered by pjax. base on rcrowe/turbo
Editor.md with Qiniu Storage for Laravel
Laravel Foreign exchange Package.
为 Laravel 量身定制的类似 Youtube 上的 ID(数字)加密解密扩展包。
『LaraPay』是为 Laravel 量身定制的 第三方支付 扩展包,可根据第三方支付平台提供的 API 接口,无限扩展本包支持的平台。
Generates a new Vue component with boilerplate in Laravel project
Lightweight Laravel package for writing custom logs and error messages to a database.
PHP CMS model for Laravel
OAuth Service Provider for Laravel 5
Add more artisan commands to your Laravel projects.
A lightweight package to add basic authentication to your Laravel app.
the simplest PHP implementation of the cpanel versio 2 api for Laravel

Laravel 扩展