
Application for running unit/browser tests, based on Laravel framework.
Package for running dusk tests with Laravel
Laravel 5+ Jalali datetime component known as ZAMAN
Added a method to Laravel response for handling xml response and also converting Eloquent return to XML.
Create users and reset user passwords from the command line
Please don't use this package anymore. Use madewithlove/laravel-oauth2 instead.
Aliyun Opensearch Bridge for Laravel 5
A Laravel package for compiling blades nested in 1 file into 1 flattened file.
it will add generate:response command to help you in scaffolding response classes
Laravel/Illuminate cache driver for onoi/cache.
A Laravel 5 package providing counting functionality on models, such as view counters or 'likes'.
Package for manipuate nestedsets in Laravel without Eloquent ORM
Fully implements ramsey/uuid as the primary key of choice
Laravel 5 Active Directory LDAP Authentication driver
Laravel Epay is payment gateway adapter.
Fast is a robot making cache instead of your client.
Google No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA for Laravel.
UP is a file uploader with polymorphic relations.
UP2 is a file uploader with polymorphic relations.
Word breaker is Thai wording separator for using with fulltext software.
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