
Extends Laravel's Config component with save functionality.
Trait for the handling of Backpack CRUD images.
Database utilities for laravel
Laravel 5 Facade wrapper for novaksolutions InfusionSoft API
A package to quickly connect using eloquent.
A Laravel 5 service provider for Goutte - Made by artisan for artisans.
A Laravel package for applications that wish to use Tokenly Tokenpass for user authentication.
This is just for learning purpose. Use the original package instead from the given homepage.
Maps Laravel Eloquent models to Elasticsearch types.
Unified search for Laravel models using Elasticsearch.
RelateIQ API v2 client for Laravel & standalone projects.
A Laravel 4 package . Given an email address it automatically retrieves an Avatar from Gravatar's website . For logged-in users , their email address is automatically generated , through the Auth adapter Interface . Three Adapters are supported : Auth , Sentry and Confide .
Laravel 扩展