
A Laravel 5 package to automatically log attributes changes on any of your app models.
Browscap integration (Service Provider and Facade) for Laravel 4
Using Yii2-Gii to generate code for other PHP framework, such as PhalconEye, Laravel, etc.
Laravel Wrapper for Zillow API
A package to log Laravel apps to Papertrail
A worldwide address-by-zipcode searcher.
A multi-framework Composer library installer
Monolog processors for use with the Laravel framework
Helper that renders tables with pagination/sorting/filters for Laravel/Lumen projects
Order for Laravel Application.
Módulo de galerias do framework da 13 bits. Neste módulo está a tabela onde são armazenadas as galerias de imagens do projeto. Tem como pré-requisito o módulo de imagens do framework.
A laravel service provider to create async api endpoints.
A service provider for laravel to managing the dev config.
A laravel service provider for logging.
A service provider for laravel to managing data versions in elasticsearch.
A fork of Adam Wathan's jigsaw static site builder repurposed to build bash and conf files
Gives the models the ability to be validated before saved.
Magical (as in saves manual work quite a lot) Cache Decorator for Laravel 5. Designed for usage with repositories but easily usable for other uses. If there's enough interest, can be made framework agnostic.
Checks the SensioLabs security advisor for security issues with your libraries.
A prometheus exporter for the Laravel web framework
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