
Management system of internal notifications for Laravel 5.*
Laravel 5 Documentation Platform
Filesystem Hook for Docit, enabling the ability to host documentation through the local filesystem, Dropbox, FTP, Amazon S3, or Rackspace Cloud Files.
Package Manager for laravel packages
Laravel Curl Helper Library
This package fixes zizaco/entrust 'can' method collision with laravel Authorizable
A simple package to use universally unique identifiers (UUID) in Eloquent models.
This is a package for generating a Highchart JSON config.
Set of helpful generators and classes for Lumen.
A simple Laravel 5 wrapper around SimplePie to pull in RSS feeds
A Laravel Eloquent ORM/Capsule service provider for Silex 2
A simple message sending package for use within a system.
Validates Turkish National Identification Number
Enables Laravel model version controlled fields.
Custom Validation for Laravel API requests
Laravel SMS Service Provider

Laravel 扩展