Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Generate modular structure files for laravel
Doctrine storage connector for the module.
Doctrine MongoDB storage connector for the module.
Eloquent storage connector for the module.
Automatic name resolution for Artisan make commands
Laravel bindings for popular Northwestern SOA services.
Put your JSON data to work in Eloquent.
OAuth Service Provider for Laravel 4
A simple authentication bundle for Laravel 4. It features roles, permissions, password salting and is fully extendable. (on MONGO database)
Package Laravel untuk memudahkan developer lokal dalam pemanfaatan API yang disediakan oleh Pemerintah Kota Samarinda.
Turn name, email, and any other string into beautiful, initial-based avatar.
Package Laravel yang berisi data Kecamatan, dan Keluarahan/Desa di Samarinda.
This packages provides an interface to manage translations via the Backpack admin panel
Adds localization support to laravel applications in an easy way using Poedit and GNU gettext.
Laravel Command Package for .env file synchronization
An Adjustable Log Level Laravel Package
Prints off the success of your package

Laravel 扩展