Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Translate unlimited language and check for rtl .
Extended error handling for Laravel 5
Laravel 5.3+ project to monitor changes in Whois and DNS records.
Create calculated columns for laravel models
mPDF wrapper for Laravel 4 - clone of the deleted package lowerends/l4-mpdf
Package to add priority to Laravel 5 routes
This package provides geolocation capabilities to classes through custom database tables and traits. It can be used to add one or multiple addresses to any class using its trait.
Package that provide mutilanguage capabilities to models through the use of dedicated tables, traits and form macros
Facebook PHP SDK Package for Laravel 4
Laravel Authentication for Google OAuth authentication
A simple Laravel 4 service provider for including the TwitterOAuth library.
Adds a phone validator to Laravel based on Google's libphonenumber API.
Adjacency List’ed Closure Table database design pattern implementation for Laravel
Adjacency List’ed Closure Table database design pattern implementation for Laravel
drag and drop menu generator like wordpress for laravel 5
Auto presenter for Laravel
Multilingual features for Laravel 4. Forked from Thor/Language
Smart and flexible way to boost your app development start

Laravel 扩展