Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Simple Widget System for Laravel Framework
Handle uploads and image resizing automatically.
Install composer packages to a custom path (app/Modules) in a Sailfish Application
Infusionsoft Official iSDK Wrapper for Laravel 4
Infusionsoft Database Syncronizer for Laravel 4
:a Laravel service provider for PDFParser
A Laravel package for archeving models
Provides functionality for attach files to model and manipulate if file is image
A library that allows you to re-organize your codes into modules
A laravel package that allows for use of multiple sessions in a laravel project, it allows for multiple simultaneous logins
The Simple PHP Image Placeholder Package
Generate a new Laravel database seed file based on data from the existing database table.
Flash Notifications with jGrowl for Laravel
A Laravel package for generating and using inline critical-path CSS.
Sensible key-value query filtering for your Laravel application.
Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf & Excel Report on Laravel 5 (Using Barryvdh/DomPdf or Barryvdh/laravel-snappy & maatwebsite/excel)
Package to retrieve Google Analytics data for Cartalyst Platform

Laravel 扩展