Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Simple view presenter library for Laravel.
SAML support to make a laravel application to both a SAML IDP and a SAML SP.
Form helper for Laravel 4
Laravel Identicon Package - Extends Identicon Library and Adds Support for Seamless Usage with Laravel 4/5.
A minimal yet powerful package to give you opportunity to refactor your controllers.
Customize and automate head section of your layouts for Laravel
A tiny component to flash messages into Laravel session object.
A Laravel 4 package for adding one or more types of category hierarchies to a website
Spatial OGC objects integration for Laravel 5.*
An abstract repository class for your Eloquent repositories that requires minimal config to get started.
preview form data before saving to the db
tool to encrypt your php applications for free
Laravel 5 package for use with Fpdf. It ships with Fpdf 1.81.
Sentry (Raven) error monitoring for Laravel with send in background
A simple Bitcoin block explorer built on Laravel with Blocktrail API
Convert eloquent date attributes to jalali (Persian) dates on the fly. (supports model propery access, toJson, toString and toArray).
Remotely disable a Laravel 5 application
Translations manager and checker for Laravel 5 based on 'caouecs/laravel4-lang' package.
Quickstart Blogging for Laravel application.

Laravel 扩展