多表关联,两个查询串联,多出很多不需要的 sql 查询语句?


这是一个获取用户个人信息的Api,用户头像存储到了 attachments 附件表中,使用 avatar 方法进行关联,logs 是用户操作日志表,使用 logs 方法进行关联。
我只想查询一次附件表将 用户头像查询出来,但是不知道为什么只要关联了 logs 多出了好多查询头像的sql语句(见下方返回结果中),应该如何处理呢?


    public function profile(){
        $result = Auth::user()
                ->with([ 'logs' => function( $query ) {

                    return $query->limit(15)->orderBy('id', 'DESC');


        return $this->success(
            new UserResource( $result )


    public function logs(){
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Log');

    public function avatar(){
        return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Attachment', 'relate')->where('type', 'user_avatar');

    public function getAvatarUrlAttribute($value){
            return $this->avatar->url;
            return 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/images/avatar.png';

UserResource 代码

    public function toArray($request) {
        $obj = $this;
        return [
            'id'            => $this->id,
            'avatar'        => $this->when(
                $this->relationLoaded('avatar'), function() use ($obj){
                    return $obj->avatar_url;
            'name'          => (string) $this->name,
            'logs'         => LogResource::collection($this->whenLoaded('logs')),


    public function toArray($request) {
        return [
            'id'         => (int) $this->id,
            'user_id'    => (int) $this->user_id,
            'name'       => $this->name,
            'code'       => (string) $this->code,
            'message'    => $this->message,
            'os'         => (string) $this->os,
            'ip'         => (string) $this->ip,
            'broswer'    => (string) $this->broswer,
            'user'       => new UserResource($this->whenLoaded('user')),
            'created_at' => (string) $this->created_at,


    "code": "success",
    "message": "成功",
    "sqls": [
        "select * from `users` limit 1",
        "select * from `users` where `type` = 'B' and `brand_id` = 1",
        "select * from `attachments` where `attachments`.`relate` = 1 and `attachments`.`relate` is not null and `type` = 'user_avatar' and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0 limit 1",
        "select * from `attachments` where `attachments`.`relate` = 41 and `attachments`.`relate` is not null and `type` = 'user_avatar' and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0 limit 1",
        "select * from `attachments` where `attachments`.`relate` = 37 and `attachments`.`relate` is not null and `type` = 'user_avatar' and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0 limit 1",
        "select * from `attachments` where `attachments`.`relate` = 39 and `attachments`.`relate` is not null and `type` = 'user_avatar' and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0 limit 1",
        "select * from `attachments` where `attachments`.`relate` = 40 and `attachments`.`relate` is not null and `type` = 'user_avatar' and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0 limit 1",
        "select * from `attachments` where `attachments`.`relate` = 42 and `attachments`.`relate` is not null and `type` = 'user_avatar' and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0 limit 1",
        "select * from `attachments` where `attachments`.`relate` = 43 and `attachments`.`relate` is not null and `type` = 'user_avatar' and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0 limit 1",
        "select * from `attachments` where `attachments`.`relate` = 44 and `attachments`.`relate` is not null and `type` = 'user_avatar' and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0 limit 1",
        "select * from `attachments` where `attachments`.`relate` = 45 and `attachments`.`relate` is not null and `type` = 'user_avatar' and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0 limit 1",
        "select * from `logs` where `logs`.`user_id` in (1) and `user_id` in (1, 41, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45) order by `id` desc limit 3",
        "select * from `attachments` where `type` = 'user_avatar' and `attachments`.`relate` in (1) and `brand_id` = 1 and `agent_id` = 0",
        "insert into `logs` (`type`, `name`, `code`, `user_id`, `os`, `ip`, `agent`, `broswer`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values ('operate', 'Api\\MainController@profile', 'success', 1, 'Postman', '', 'PostmanRuntime/7.1.5', 'Postman(7.1.5)', '2018-05-26 12:44:10', '2018-05-26 12:44:10')"
    "result": {
        "id": 1,
        "avatar": "http://api.weineng.me/images/avatar.png",
        "name": "admin",
        "logs": [
                "id": 235,
                "user_id": 1,
                "name": "Api\\MainController@profile",
                "code": "RelationNotFound",
                "message": "失败,",
                "os": "Postman",
                "ip": "",
                "broswer": "Postman(7.1.5)",
                "created_at": "2018-05-26 12:26:15"
                "id": 234,
                "user_id": 1,
                "name": "Api\\MainController@profile",
                "code": "RelationNotFound",
                "message": "失败,",
                "os": "Postman",
                "ip": "",
                "broswer": "Postman(7.1.5)",
                "created_at": "2018-05-26 12:18:26"
                "id": 233,
                "user_id": 1,
                "name": "Api\\MainController@profile",
                "code": "FatalThrowableError",
                "message": "失败,致命错误",
                "os": "Postman",
                "ip": "",
                "broswer": "Postman(7.1.5)",
                "created_at": "2018-05-26 12:05:10"
《L03 构架 API 服务器》
你将学到如 RESTFul 设计风格、PostMan 的使用、OAuth 流程,JWT 概念及使用 和 API 开发相关的进阶知识。
《L02 从零构建论坛系统》
以构建论坛项目 LaraBBS 为线索,展开对 Laravel 框架的全面学习。应用程序架构思路贴近 Laravel 框架的设计哲学。

当你用 ormsql 时, orm 为了保证查询的正确性和 orm 本身的简单性这两个的平衡,确实会通过执行多条 sql 语句来完成本来一句 sql 就可以完成的操作。如果觉得执行效率不理想,你可以使用 DB 自己来构造 sql 语句。

5年前 评论
讨论数量: 3

当你用 ormsql 时, orm 为了保证查询的正确性和 orm 本身的简单性这两个的平衡,确实会通过执行多条 sql 语句来完成本来一句 sql 就可以完成的操作。如果觉得执行效率不理想,你可以使用 DB 自己来构造 sql 语句。

5年前 评论

@zedisdog 谢谢,最终也是这样解决的

5年前 评论


5年前 评论
