Auth::logout 每次退出都有修改 token?


《L05 电商实战》
从零开发一个电商项目,功能包括电商后台、商品 & SKU 管理、购物车、订单管理、支付宝支付、微信支付、订单退款流程、优惠券等
《L04 微信小程序从零到发布》
讨论数量: 1

This functionality is only useful when u use the remember me functionality which purpose is to help against Remember Me cookie hijacking.

The value is refreshed upon login and logout. If a cookie is hijacked by a malicious person, logging out makes the hijacked cookie useless since it doesn't match anymore.

Study the source code, u will understand:

  • When u login, u will go through the steps in the vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/SessionGuard.php
    as below:
  • file

  • When u logout, u will go through the steps in the vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/SessionGuard.php
    as below:
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