教程更新了?怎么 Homestead 检出的版本变成 7.8.0 了?然后 Vagrant up 提示 Vagrant 版本太低

$ cd ~/Homestead/ &&vagrant up
==> vagrant: A new version of Vagrant is available: 2.1.1!
==> vagrant: To upgrade visit: https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html

This Vagrant environment has specified that it requires the Vagrant
version to satisfy the following version requirements:

= 2.1.0

You are running Vagrant 2.0.2, which does not satisfy
these requirements. Please change your Vagrant version or update
the Vagrantfile to allow this Vagrant version. However, be warned
that if the Vagrantfile has specified another version, it probably has
good reason to do so, and changing that may cause the environment to
not function properly.

《L01 基础入门》
我们将带你从零开发一个项目并部署到线上,本课程教授 Web 开发中专业、实用的技能,如 Git 工作流、Laravel Mix 前端工作流等。
《G01 Go 实战入门》
从零开始带你一步步开发一个 Go 博客项目,让你在最短的时间内学会使用 Go 进行编码。项目结构很大程度上参考了 Laravel。
讨论数量: 2


5年前 评论

@VKWF_ 我也是这样 谢了 :joy:

5年前 评论
