Laravel 7.1.2 更新:修复 Blade Components 中隐藏的 XSS 漏洞(建议)


Laravel v7.1.2 has just been tagged and released to address a security issue in the Blade Component tag attributes:

Today we released Laravel 7.1.2 to address a possible XSS related attack vector in the Laravel 7.x Blade Component tag attributes when users are allowed to dictate the value of attributes. All Laravel 7.x users are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.

We would like to thank community member Anders Fajerson for bringing this to our attention.

It’s recommended everyone update as soon as possible. Typically just a composer update laravel/framework if you are running any version of Laravel 7.

我们的翻译工作遵照 CC 协议,如果我们的工作有侵犯到您的权益,请及时联系我们。



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