XSD 模式语言解析引擎与跨语言代码生成器
xgen 是 Go 语言编写的 XSD (XML Schema Definition) 工具基础库,其命令行工具的目标是将 XML 模式定义文件编译为包括 Go/C/Java/Rust/TypeScript 在内的多语言类型或类声明代码。
GitHub 开源:github.com/xuri/xgen
xgen [<flag> ...] <XSD file or directory> ...
-i <path> Input file path or directory for the XML schema definition
-o <path> Output file path or directory for the generated code
-p Specify the package name
-l Specify the language of generated code (Go/C/Java/Rust/TypeScript)
-h Output this help and exit
-v Output version and exit
例如,下面的命令将遍历 xsd 目录中的 XML 模式定义文件,并在 output 目录中生成 Go 语言结构体声明代码:
xgen -i /path/to/your/xsd -o /path/to/your/output -l Go
XSD 源文件:
<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://example.org/">
<simpleType name="myType1">
<restriction base="base64Binary">
<length value="10" />
<complexType name="myType2">
<extension base="base64Binary">
<attribute name="length" type="int"/>
<complexType name="myType3">
<extension base="date">
<attribute name="length" type="int"/>
<complexType name="myType4">
<element name="title" type="string"/>
<element name="blob" type="base64Binary"/>
<element name="timestamp" type="dateTime"/>
<simpleType name="myType5">
<restriction base="gDay"/>
生成 Go 语言代码:
// Copyright 2020 The xgen Authors. All rights reserved.
// DO NOT EDIT: generated by xgen XSD generator
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package schema
import (
// MyType1 ...
type MyType1 []byte
// MyType2 ...
type MyType2 struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"myType2"`
LengthAttr int `xml:"length,attr,omitempty"`
// MyType3 ...
type MyType3 struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"myType3"`
LengthAttr int `xml:"length,attr,omitempty"`
// MyType4 ...
type MyType4 struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"myType4"`
Title string `xml:"title"`
Blob []byte `xml:"blob"`
Timestamp time.Time `xml:"timestamp"`
// MyType5 ...
type MyType5 time.Time
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