PHP 设计模式之流接口模式
流接口模式 Fluent Interface
定义: 用来编写易于阅读的代码,就像自然语言一样。
3.1 通过被调方法的返回值定义
3.2 自引用,新的上下文等于老的上下文
3.3 返回一个空的上下文来终止
namespace Fluent;
interface BuildInterface
public function get();
public function first();
public function limit(int $number = 1):self;
public function offset(int $number):self;
public function table(string $table, string $alias = ''):self;
public function where(array $wheres):self;
public function select(array $fields = ["*"]):self;
public function orderBy(string $orderName, string $sortType = 'asc'):self;
public function groupBy(string $groupName):self;
class SqlBuild implements BuildInterface
private $sql;
private $table;
private $select;
private $where;
private $limit = 1;
private $order;
private $group;
public function __construct()
$this->sql = sprintf("select ");
public function get()
// TODO: Implement get() method.
return $this->sql . $this->select . $this->table . $this->where . $this->order;
public function first()
// TODO: Implement first() method.
return $this->sql . $this->select . $this->table . $this->where . $this->order . ' limit ' . $this->limit;
public function limit(int $number = 1): BuildInterface
// TODO: Implement limit() method.
$this->limit = $number;
return $this;
public function offset(int $number): BuildInterface
// TODO: Implement offset() method.
public function table(string $table, string $alias = ''): BuildInterface
// TODO: Implement table() method.
$this->table = sprintf(" `%s` ", $table);
!empty($alias) && $this->table .= sprintf("as %s", $alias);
return $this;
public function where(array $wheres): BuildInterface
// TODO: Implement where() method.
$tempWhere = '';
static $level = 0;
foreach ($wheres as $where => $item) {
if (is_int($item)) {
if ($level == 0) {
$tempWhere .= sprintf("`%s` = %d", $where, $item);
} else {
$tempWhere .= sprintf(" and `%s` = %d", $where, $item);
} elseif (is_string($item)) {
if ($level == 0) {
$tempWhere .= sprintf("`%s` = '%s'", $where, $item);
} else {
$tempWhere .= sprintf(" and `%s` = '%s'", $where, $item);
} else {
if ($level == 0) {
$tempWhere .= sprintf("%s = '%s'", $where, $item);
} else {
$tempWhere .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s'", $where, $item);
$this->where = sprintf("where %s", $tempWhere);
return $this;
public function select(array $fields = ["*"]): BuildInterface
// TODO: Implement select() method.
$select = implode("`, `", $fields);
$select = rtrim($select, ',');
$select = '`' . $select . '`';
$this->select = sprintf("%s from ", $select);
return $this;
public function orderBy(string $orderName, string $sortType = 'asc'): BuildInterface
// TODO: Implement orderBy() method.
$this->order = sprintf(" order by `%s` %s", $orderName, $sortType);
return $this;
public function groupBy(string $groupName): BuildInterface
// TODO: Implement groupBy() method.
$this->group = sprintf(" group by %s", $groupName);
return $this;
- 测试
class Client
public function __construct()
$sqlBuild = new SqlBuild();
$sqlQuery = $sqlBuild->table('users')
->select(['id', 'name'])
->where(['id' => 10, 'name' => 'liyi', 'email' => ''])
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
echo $sqlQuery;
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LIYi ---- github地址