Rust从入坑到入土-入坑-String compared to str
String compared to str
“The String type is the most common string type that has ownership over the contents of the string. It has a close relationship with its borrowed counterpart, the primitive str.”
“The str type, also called a ‘string slice’, is the most primitive string type. It is usually seen in its borrowed form, &str. It is also the type of string literals, &’static str.”
str我们称之为str slice,str也是很最为原始的字符串类型。我们最常见到的是其借用形式:&str。str也用来标识字符串字面量:&’static str.
String是 dynamic heap 字符串类型,对字符串拥有所有权。而&str是一个不可变的存在于stack上的用来引用字符串的slice。
fn main(){
let mut contents = String::from("hello, world"); // 在栈创建了一个String类型的变量contents,其指向堆上的一个字符串
let first_word = find_first_word(&contents); // 在栈上c创建了一个&str类型的变量,指向contents所指向的字符串,ptr:0,len:1
println!("contents' first word is :{0}", first_word); // 预计输出 h
} // 回收contents所有权。first_word不具有所有权,不进行处理。
fn find_first_word(contents:&str)->&str{
} // 无所有权,所以不对contents进行回收
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