Reset and Checkout Files in Git
Normally, we use git reset
to move the current branch to a new commit and optionally updates the working directory to match. But when we pass a file path, git reset
updates the staging area to match the given commit and leaves the working directory alone, and it doesn’t move the current branch pointer. In other words, this form of git reset
can be used to unstage a file.
This behavior is described in the manual:
git reset [-q] [<tree-ish>] [--] <pathspec>..., git reset [-q] [--pathspec-from-file=<file>
[--pathspec-file-nul]] [<tree-ish>]
These forms reset the index entries for all paths that match the <pathspec> to their state at
<tree-ish>. (It does not affect the working tree or the current branch.)
This means that git reset <pathspec> is the opposite of git add <pathspec>. This command is
equivalent to git restore [--source=<tree-ish>] --staged <pathspec>....
After running git reset <pathspec> to update the index entry, you can use git-restore(1) to check
the contents out of the index to the working tree. Alternatively, using git-restore(1) and
specifying a commit with --source, you can copy the contents of a path out of a commit to the
index and to the working tree in one go.
The git checkout
we’ve been using updates the working directory and switches branches. If we add a file path to git checkout
, it reverts that file to the specified commit.
This behavior is described in the manual:
git checkout [-f|--ours|--theirs|-m|--conflict=<style>] [<tree-ish>] [--] <pathspec>..., git checkout
[-f|--ours|--theirs|-m|--conflict=<style>] [<tree-ish>] --pathspec-from-file=<file>
Overwrite the contents of the files that match the pathspec. When the <tree-ish> (most often a
commit) is not given, overwrite working tree with the contents in the index. When the <tree-ish>
is given, overwrite both the index and the working tree with the contents at the <tree-ish>.
vi blue.html # make any changes
git add blue.html
git status
git reset HEAD blue.html
git status
git add blue.html
git checkout HEAD blue.html
git status
The file-path behavior of git reset
and git checkout
both take a committed snapshot as a reference point. But git reset
only update the staging area and git checkout
updates both the staging area and the working directory.
Ry’s Git Tutorial
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