一个基于 protobuf 的 RPC 生成器
ROC Demo
安装 RPC 生成工具
编写 rpc.proto 文件
syntax = "proto3";
option php_namespace = "ROC\\RPC";
package rpc;
service UserInterface {
rpc info(UserInput) returns (User) {}}
message UserInput{
uint64 id = 1;}
message User {
uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; uint32 gender = 3;}
cd rpc
roc-php gen:roc rpc.proto -O src
接下来,我们就可以在 rpc/src 目录下看到了生成的文件。
完善自定义 rpc 组件代码
增加 rpc/src/Listener/BootConsumerListener
* This file is part of Hyperf. * * @link https://www.hyperf.io * @document https://hyperf.wiki * @contact group@hyperf.io * @license https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/blob/master/LICENSE */namespace ROC\RPC\Listener;
use Hyperf\Contract\ConfigInterface;
use Hyperf\Event\Contract\ListenerInterface;
use Hyperf\Framework\Event\BootApplication;
use Hyperf\RpcMultiplex\Constant;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use ROC\RPC\UserInterface;
* Must handle the event before `Hyperf\RpcClient\Listener\AddConsumerDefinitionListener`. * You can set ROC\RPC\Listener\BootConsumerListener::class => 99. */class BootConsumerListener implements ListenerInterface
/** * @var ContainerInterface */ private $container;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container) { $this->container = $container; }
public function listen(): array { return [ BootApplication::class, ]; }
public function process(object $event): void { $config = $this->container->get(ConfigInterface::class);
$consumers = $config->get('services.consumers', []); $services = [ UserInterface::class => ['', 9504], ];
foreach ($services as $interface => [$host, $port]) { $consumers[] = static::getDefaultConsumer($interface, $host, $port); }
$config->set('services.consumers', $consumers); }
public static function getDefaultConsumer(string $interface, string $host, int $port): array { return [ 'name' => $interface, 'service' => $interface, 'id' => $interface, 'protocol' => Constant::PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, 'load_balancer' => 'random', 'nodes' => [ ['host' => $host, 'port' => $port], ], 'options' => [ 'connect_timeout' => 5.0, 'recv_timeout' => 5.0, 'settings' => [ // 包体最大值,若小于 Server 返回的数据大小,则会抛出异常,故尽量控制包体大小
'package_max_length' => 1024 * 1024 * 2, ], // 重试次数,默认值为 2 'retry_count' => 2, // 重试间隔,毫秒
'retry_interval' => 10, // 多路复用客户端数量
'client_count' => 4, // 心跳间隔
'heartbeat' => 20, ], ]; }}
首先我们现在 server/composer.json 中增加对应的仓库配置
"repositories": { "rpc": { "type": "path", "url": "../rpc" } }}
composer require roc/rpc
导入 RPC 相关组件
因为相关的代码,还没有发布 Release 版本,所以需要导入 x-dev 包
composer require "hyperf/rpc-client:3.0.x-dev" -W
composer require "hyperf/rpc:3.0.x-dev" -W
composer require "hyperf/rpc-multiplex:3.0.x-dev" -W
composer require "hyperf/rpc-server:3.0.x-dev" -W
增加 RPC 服务配置
让我们修改 config/server.php
文件,增加 rpc 相关配置
* This file is part of Hyperf. * * @link https://www.hyperf.io * @document https://hyperf.wiki * @contact group@hyperf.io * @license https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/blob/master/LICENSE */use Hyperf\Engine\Constant\SocketType;
use Hyperf\Server\Event;
use Hyperf\Server\Server;
return [
'mode' => SWOOLE_BASE, 'type' => Hyperf\Server\CoroutineServer::class, 'servers' => [ [ 'name' => 'http', 'type' => Server::SERVER_HTTP, 'host' => '', 'port' => 9501, 'sock_type' => SocketType::TCP, 'callbacks' => [ Event::ON_REQUEST => [Hyperf\HttpServer\Server::class, 'onRequest'], ], ], [ 'name' => 'rpc', 'type' => Server::SERVER_BASE, 'host' => '', 'port' => 9504, 'sock_type' => SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP, 'callbacks' => [ Event::ON_RECEIVE => [Hyperf\RpcMultiplex\TcpServer::class, 'onReceive'], ], 'settings' => [ 'open_length_check' => true, 'package_length_type' => 'N', 'package_length_offset' => 0, 'package_body_offset' => 4, 'package_max_length' => 1024 * 1024 * 2, ], ], ], 'settings' => [ 'enable_coroutine' => true, 'worker_num' => 4, 'pid_file' => BASE_PATH . '/runtime/hyperf.pid', 'open_tcp_nodelay' => true, 'max_coroutine' => 100000, 'open_http2_protocol' => true, 'max_request' => 0, 'socket_buffer_size' => 2 * 1024 * 1024, 'package_max_length' => 2 * 1024 * 1024, ], 'callbacks' => [ Event::ON_BEFORE_START => [Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\ServerStartCallback::class, 'beforeStart'], Event::ON_WORKER_START => [Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\WorkerStartCallback::class, 'onWorkerStart'], Event::ON_PIPE_MESSAGE => [Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\PipeMessageCallback::class, 'onPipeMessage'], Event::ON_WORKER_EXIT => [Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\WorkerExitCallback::class, 'onWorkerExit'], ],];
新增 app/RPC/UserService.php
* This file is part of Hyperf. * * @link https://www.hyperf.io * @document https://hyperf.wiki * @contact group@hyperf.io * @license https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/blob/master/LICENSE */namespace App\RPC;
use Hyperf\RpcMultiplex\Constant;
use Hyperf\RpcServer\Annotation\RpcService;
use ROC\RPC\User;
use ROC\RPC\UserInput;
use ROC\RPC\UserInterface;
#[RpcService(name: UserInterface::class, server: 'rpc', protocol: Constant::PROTOCOL_DEFAULT)]
class UserService implements UserInterface
public function info(UserInput $input): User { return new User( $input->id, 'Hyperf', 1 ); }}
修改 server/config/autoload/listeners.php
* This file is part of Hyperf. * * @link https://www.hyperf.io * @document https://hyperf.wiki * @contact group@hyperf.io * @license https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/blob/master/LICENSE */return [
Hyperf\ExceptionHandler\Listener\ErrorExceptionHandler::class, Hyperf\Command\Listener\FailToHandleListener::class, ROC\RPC\Listener\BootConsumerListener::class => 99,];
测试 RPC 效果
编写 RegisterProtocolListener
因为默认的 RPC 组件,使用的是默认的 Normalizer,而代码生成的接口文件,是需要支持 Json 转 Object,所以我们需要进行替换
* This file is part of Hyperf. * * @link https://www.hyperf.io * @document https://hyperf.wiki * @contact group@hyperf.io * @license https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/blob/master/LICENSE */namespace App\Listener;
use Hyperf\Event\Annotation\Listener;
use Hyperf\Event\Contract\ListenerInterface;
use Hyperf\Framework\Event\BootApplication;
use Hyperf\Rpc\ProtocolManager;
use Hyperf\RpcMultiplex\Constant;
use Hyperf\RpcMultiplex\DataFormatter;
use Hyperf\RpcMultiplex\Packer\JsonPacker;
use Hyperf\RpcMultiplex\PathGenerator;
use Hyperf\RpcMultiplex\Transporter;
use Hyperf\Utils\Serializer\JsonDeNormalizer;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
#[Listener(priority: -1)]
class RegisterProtocolListener implements ListenerInterface
public function __construct(protected ContainerInterface $container) { }
public function listen(): array { return [ BootApplication::class, ]; }
public function process(object $event): void { $this->container->get(ProtocolManager::class)->register(Constant::PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, [ 'packer' => JsonPacker::class, 'transporter' => Transporter::class, 'path-generator' => PathGenerator::class, 'data-formatter' => DataFormatter::class, 'normalizer' => JsonDeNormalizer::class, ]); }}
* This file is part of Hyperf. * * @link https://www.hyperf.io * @document https://hyperf.wiki * @contact group@hyperf.io * @license https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/blob/master/LICENSE */namespace App\Controller;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject;
use ROC\RPC\UserInput;
use ROC\RPC\UserInterface;
class IndexController extends Controller
#[Inject] protected UserInterface $user;
public function index() { $result = $this->user->info(new UserInput(1));
return $this->response->success($result); }}
php bin/hyperf.php start
$ curl
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好耶! 大佬牛逼 :+1: