续命,JetBrains 成立 PHP 基金会!
Laravel News
报道称,包括 JetBrains
在内的多位社区成员,刚刚宣布了 PHP 基金会的正式成立。作为一家非盈利组织,这项 Open Collective
倡议旨在持续推进这款语言的未来发展。通过资助为 PHP 语言做出贡献的全职和兼职开发者们,PHP 基金会希望能够确保该语言的长期繁荣。
除了 JetBrains
,PHP 基金会的成员名单中还包括 Automattic
、Private Packagist
和 PrestaShop
据悉,这项决定背后的原因之一,是主要贡献者中的Nikita Popov
决定将精力从 PHP
早在 2011 年,他就投身了 PHP 的研究,并在为 JetBrains
工作的近三年时间里,为 PHP 7.4 / 8.0 / 8.1 这三个大版本做出了重要贡献。
Nikita Popov switches focus from PHP
Nikita started working on PHP in 2011 when he was still in high school. He made his first contribution in PHP 5.5. During his 10 years in the PHP world, Nikita implemented innumerable features, bug fixes, and improvements to the development process of the language.
Nikita has worked on PHP at JetBrains for close to three years, managing to accomplish a lot during that time. Three major releases – PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0, and PHP 8.1 – include many of his contributions from that period.
Besides PHP, Nikita has long been a contributor to Rust and LLVM. And just like PHP, when it grew from a hobby to a real job, Nikita has decided to focus his professional activities on LLVM.
Nikita is leaving JetBrains as of December 1 and will spend significantly less time on PHP. As sad as it is to see him go, we congratulate Nikita and wish him every success in his new journey!
Thank you, Nikita, for everything you’ve done for PHP! Your work is truly appreciated by millions of PHP developers.
一篇来自phpstorm博客的报道,PHP 基金会筹集到的资金,将用于为参与 PHP 项目的贡献者们提供资助和服务,以推动该语言的进一步发展。
至于未来规划等更多细节,还请移步至 JetBrains 的 PHP 基金会公告页面查看:
中国的 PHP 都在尽力帮忙,会越来越好的 公告:PHP 基金会,是个好事 (PHP Foundation)
PHP基金会 - 让PHP再次伟大! :facepunch:
我一个连JetBrains正版编辑器都要蹭老板的员工捐赠了1美元给我的饭碗 :joy: