
3.3. 策略


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Rocketeer has all the core tasks you'd expect from a deployer: creating a new release, testing it, migrating the database, etc. Most tasks have only one way to do things, but certain core ones have multiple paths they can use to accomplish their goals: those are the strategies.

The most important tasks using strategies are the Deploy and Update ones, by default they use your configured SCM (Git, Svn, etc.) to clone a clean new release on the server, but that's not the only strategy available. You can see what tasks use strategies and what options are available by calling the rocketeer strategies command. It'll yield a table similar to the following:

Strategy Implementation Description
check Php Checks if the server is ready to receive a PHP application
check Ruby Checks if the server is ready to receive a Ruby application
deploy Clone Clones a fresh instance of the repository by SCM
deploy Copy Copies the previously cloned instance of the repository and update it
deploy Sync Uses rsync to create or update a release from the local files
test Phpunit Run the tests with PHPUnit
migrate Artisan Migrates your database with Laravel's Artisan CLI
dependencies Composer Installs dependencies with Composer
dependencies Bundler Installs dependencies with Bundler
dependencies Npm Installs dependencies with NPM
dependencies Bower Installs dependencies with Bower
dependencies Polyglot Runs all of the above package managers if necessary
dependencies null Runs none (note null must be in quoation marks IE 'null')

You can configure which task uses which strategy in the strategies.php file of your configuration folder.

Adding your own strategies

Rocketeer comes with a handful of available implementations for each strategy but sometimes you use a particular tool or procedure that isn't built-in. It's really easy to add your own strategies, there's only two steps really. Say you want to test your application with Grunt instead of PHPunit, in the case of a Node application per example.

First you'll create a class for your strategy extending Rocketeer\Abstracts\AbstractStrategy. If Rocketeer is loaded as a Composer dependency of your project, the class can be anywhere as long as it's autoloaded, otherwise you need to create it under .rocketeer/strategies:

namespace Acme;

use Rocketeer\Abstracts\Strategies\AbstractStrategy;

class GruntStrategy extends AbstractStrategy
  // ...

Next we need to define which strategy this corresponds to, for this you'll implement the relevant interface from the Rocketeer\Interfaces\Strategies namespace, in our case, TestStrategyInterface:

namespace Acme;

use Rocketeer\Abstracts\Strategies\AbstractStrategy;
use Rocketeer\Interfaces\Strategies\TestStrategyInterface;

class GruntStrategy extends AbstractStrategy implements TestStrategyInterface
  public function test()
    // ...

All that is left to do is write the business logic. Strategies implements the same traits than Tasks so you have all the usual tools available, in particular binaries (see the relevant documentation section for more informations).

namespace Acme;

use Rocketeer\Abstracts\Strategies\AbstractStrategy;
use Rocketeer\Strategies\Interfaces\TestStrategyInterface;

class GruntStrategy extends AbstractStrategy implements TestStrategyInterface
  public function test()
    return $this->binary('grunt')->runForCurrentRelease('test');

This will run grunt test on the configured connection. All that is left to do is to configure Rocketeer to use that strategy, in the strategies.php file:

// Which strategy to use to test your application
'test'         => 'Acme\Grunt',

Again, make sure your class is loaded somewhere, if it's in .rocketeer/strategies, Rocketeer will load it by itself. If Rocketeer is a dependency of your application, make sure the class is loaded by Composer.

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