3.5.连接 Readers 和 Writers
Connecting Readers and Writers
So how do we make sure that messages read in connection_loop
flow into the relevant connection_writer_loop
We should somehow maintain a peers: HashMap<String, Sender<String>>
map which allows a client to find destination channels.
However, this map would be a bit of shared mutable state, so we'll have to wrap an RwLock
over it and answer tough questions of what should happen if the client joins at the same moment as it receives a message.
One trick to make reasoning about state simpler comes from the actor model.
We can create a dedicated broker task which owns the peers
map and communicates with other tasks using channels.
By hiding peers
inside such an "actor" task, we remove the need for mutexes and also make the serialization point explicit.
The order of events "Bob sends message to Alice" and "Alice joins" is determined by the order of the corresponding events in the broker's event queue.
# extern crate async_std;
# extern crate futures;
# use async_std::{
# net::TcpStream,
# prelude::*,
# task,
# };
# use futures::channel::mpsc;
# use futures::sink::SinkExt;
# use std::sync::Arc;
# type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>;
# type Sender<T> = mpsc::UnboundedSender<T>;
# type Receiver<T> = mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<T>;
# async fn connection_writer_loop(
# mut messages: Receiver<String>,
# stream: Arc<TcpStream>,
# ) -> Result<()> {
# let mut stream = &*stream;
# while let Some(msg) = messages.next().await {
# stream.write_all(msg.as_bytes()).await?;
# }
# Ok(())
# }
# fn spawn_and_log_error<F>(fut: F) -> task::JoinHandle<()>
# where
# F: Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send + 'static,
# {
# task::spawn(async move {
# if let Err(e) = fut.await {
# eprintln!("{}", e)
# }
# })
# }
use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap};
enum Event { // 1
NewPeer {
name: String,
stream: Arc<TcpStream>,
Message {
from: String,
to: Vec<String>,
msg: String,
async fn broker_loop(mut events: Receiver<Event>) -> Result<()> {
let mut peers: HashMap<String, Sender<String>> = HashMap::new(); // 2
while let Some(event) = events.next().await {
match event {
Event::Message { from, to, msg } => { // 3
for addr in to {
if let Some(peer) = peers.get_mut(&addr) {
let msg = format!("from {}: {}\n", from, msg);
Event::NewPeer { name, stream } => {
match peers.entry(name) {
Entry::Occupied(..) => (),
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let (client_sender, client_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
entry.insert(client_sender); // 4
spawn_and_log_error(connection_writer_loop(client_receiver, stream)); // 5
- 代理task应该处理两种类型的事件: 消息或者新的对等链接.
- 代理的内部状态是一个
请注意, 这里我们没有使用Mutex
(排它锁) 并且可以很自信是说 , 在代理循环的每次迭代中, 都可以知道当前的对等链接是什么. - 为了处理一个消息, 我们通过通道(channel)将其发送每一个目的地.
- 为了处理每一个新的对等链接, 首先要在一个对等链接的map中注册它 ...
- ... 然后生成一个专门的 task 将消息实际写入socket(套接字)中.
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