package main
import ("fmt""image""image/color""image/draw""image/jpeg""image/png""os")
func main(){
pngImgFile, err := os.Open("./PNG-file.png")if err != nil {
fmt.Println("PNG-file.png file not found!")
defer pngImgFile.Close()// create image from PNG file
imgSrc, err := png.Decode(pngImgFile)if err != nil {
os.Exit(1)}// create a new Image with the same dimension of PNG image
newImg := image.NewRGBA(imgSrc.Bounds())// we will use white background to replace PNG's transparent background// you can change it to whichever color you want with// a new color.RGBA{} and use image.NewUniform(color.RGBA{<fill in color>}) function
draw.Draw(newImg, newImg.Bounds(),&image.Uniform{color.White}, image.Point{}, draw.Src)// paste PNG image OVER to newImage
draw.Draw(newImg, newImg.Bounds(), imgSrc, imgSrc.Bounds().Min, draw.Over)// create new out JPEG file
jpgImgFile, err := os.Create("./JPEG-file.jpg")if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Cannot create JPEG-file.jpg !")
defer jpgImgFile.Close()var opt jpeg.Options
opt.Quality =80// convert newImage to JPEG encoded byte and save to jpgImgFile// with quality = 80
err = jpeg.Encode(jpgImgFile, newImg,&opt)//err = jpeg.Encode(jpgImgFile, newImg, nil) -- use nil if ignore quality optionsif err != nil {
fmt.Println("Converted PNG file to JPEG file")}