Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Laravel 4 and 5 integration for the sofwar/slack package, including facades and service providers.
Alternative way to define rules in laravel.
Paquete adicional de Negocios para Solunes Digital.
Paquete adicional de Notificaciones para Solunes Digital.
Paquete adicional de PagosTT para Solunes Digital.
Paquete adicional de Pagos para Solunes Digital.
Paquete adicional de Productos para Solunes Digital.
Paquete adicional de Proyectos para Solunes Digital.
Paquete adicional de Ventas para Solunes Digital.
Paquete adicional de Tienda para Solunes Digital.
Laravel package to send push notifications to mobile devices (apns, gcm)
Provides integration between Doctrine entities and Laravel Validator.
A collection of support classes for creating Domain Input objects and mapping to entities in a Laravel project.
Deferred loading / dev dependency loading for Laravel 5.X projects
The Songshenzong Support package.
Laravel 5 package for Gouette, a simple PHP Web Scraper
A Couchbase based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel
The Sypex Geo PHP Class Wrapper for Laravel 4.2
Audit changes of your Eloquent models in Laravel/Lumen
Laravel PHP Facade/Wrapper for the Youtube Data API v3
A Laravel package for Saml2 integration as a SP (service provider) based on OneLogin toolkit
A lightweight Access Control package for Laravel 5.6 and above.
Laravel contact-us provides an expressive, fluent interface to contact form for your projects.

Laravel 扩展
Tip:三大榜单里排名 Top 250 的项目,都应能熟练掌握。