Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Nested Set pattern for Eloquent ORM in SlimPHP (by Baum)
Trivial Laravel wrapper class for League\CommonMark
Clixy CMS Database Models and Migrations
Laravel 5 - Repositories to the database layer
Query parameter based model queries for Laravel 5
Internal Authorisation scopes for Laravel
A plugin to create share links on the fly directly on the view
Package to run Vtiger Webservice API
An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in Laravel 4 with the power of PHPExcel
Package to add priority to Laravel 5 routes
A Broadway event store implementation using Laravel DB connector.
Salesforce / REST API Client for Laravel 5
A presenter package for Laravel 5.5+ based off of the package by Laracasts
PoC pewnej metody nauczania języków.
Machine to machine authentication for Laravel
Client package for code16/machina
Parse your BBCode easy with this library.
Helper functions by
Wrapper on the ActiveCampaign PHP API - with custom methods and support for Laravel 5.x. Continuing on the work from Gentor.
A library for validating value added tax identification numbers (VAT ID) using the German Federal Ministry of Finance EVATR interface.
Laravel ACL based on route table. Easy code, easy control

Laravel 扩展
Tip:三大榜单里排名 Top 250 的项目,都应能熟练掌握。