Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

editor visual en realtime de html5, css3 y javascript
Detects all instances attached to a specific AWS ELB
Laravel package for payment system Kaznachey
Fixed the Sublime editor link path when running a project from a VM
A laravel package of ueditor,which is baidu's open source WYSIWYG editor
Debug info in laravel api response
Laravel 5+ package for auto dump mysql database to local storage or to cloud
Make ajax validation with Laravel Requests for forms with bootstrap
This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel
A Laravel gravatar package for retrieving gravatar image URLs or checking the existance of an image.
Validate forms transparently with Javascript reusing your Laravel Validation Rules, Messages, and FormRequest
Laravel 5 package for logging SQL queries.
jmespath.php service provider for Laravel 5
UEditor for laravel5. Support i18n. UEditor is a Rich Text Web Editor From Baidu.

Laravel 扩展
Tip:三大榜单里排名 Top 250 的项目,都应能熟练掌握。