Laravel 开源排行榜

PHP wrapper for Python script igc2kmz, an IGC to Google Earth converter.
Composer Plugin for automation of laravel 5 packages
Some util classes for Laravel Development
Russian doll caching for Laravel
An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV
Exports Laravel localization files to plain text files ready for translation.
This liblary can add sendgrid driver into the laravel's mail configure.
A laravel package to list your routes and filter through them.
Multiple cascading environmental configuration files support for Laravel 5
Amazon Product Advertising API library for Laravel5
Google Sheets API v4 library for Laravel5
Render Blade templates from Eloquent Model Fields
Google api php client wrapper with Cloud Platform and Laravel 4 & 5 support
Laravel / Lumen package for Firebase Cloud Messaging
A formatting library that converts data output between XML, CSV, JSON, TXT, YAML and a few others.
Laravel Impersonate is a plugin that allows to you to authenticate as your users.

Laravel 扩展