
This package makes validation rules defined in laravel work client-side by converting to html/js plugins such as jquery validation. It also allows to use laravel validation messages so you can show same messages for both sides.
This package makes validation rules defined in laravel work client-side by converting to html/js plugins such as jquery validation. It also allows to use laravel validation messages so you can show same messages for both sides.
Integrates Ardent models validation rules into Laravel forms
Integrates Ardent models validation rules into Laravel forms
Laravel wrapper for the client part of the library to construct applications based on the server-to-server architecture.
This package makes validation rules defined in laravel work client-side by converting to html/js plugins such as jquery validation. It also allows to use laravel validation messages so you can show same messages for both sides.
This package makes validation rules defined in laravel work client-side by converting to html/js plugins such as jquery validation. It also allows to use laravel validation messages so you can show same messages for both sides.