Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Allows php to respond to http requests on aws lambda
Cassandra Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel
Force https url schema middleware for Laravel 5
a Ratchet and ZMQ implementation for Laravel 4
Bringing the Remote library back to Laravel 5.
Simple Media manager for your Laravel project
Access model meta data as if it was a property on your model
Simple Media manager for your Laravel project
Da epic widget-system for Laravel
Deploy your Laravel application as a queue worker on AWS ElasticBeanstalk
Dinkbit Cashier nos da una interface para cobrar subscripciones con Conketa en Laravel.
Repository for Laravel (inspired by and indebted to Bosnadev/Repositories)
Ticketit, the simple helpdesk tickets system pre-installed in Laravel
Quickly render view from controller without typing file names
Image uploads and manipulation for Laravel, a wrapper around Glide
The Laravel Framework, lightly optimized for use with Google App Engine
Laravel's elasticsearch Paginator/Collection/Logger Helper.
Firebase Authentication package for Laravel PHP Framework

Laravel 扩展