Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

A PHP Finite State Machine for Laravel 5+
laravel-db2 is a simple DB2 service provider for Laravel. It provides DB2 Connection by extending the Illuminate Database component of the laravel framework.
A package for automatically encrypting and decrypting Eloquent attributes in Laravel 5.5+, based on configuration settings.
Elasticache Drivers for Laravel Cache and Session
Laravel queue driver bases on Aliyun Message Service(MNS).
Powerful, simple Repository-Pattern implementation for Laravel (>=5.1), and it come with tests.
Safebox is a tool to manage your websites, accounts, clients, procedures and more. Built with Laravel 5.
An eloquent-like model, for the Laravel framework.
PHPUnit mail assertions for testing email in Laravel.
A Laravel 4 package to make it easy to add social sharing buttons to your application.
Command-line interface for Clockwork, the tool for debugging and profiling PHP applications
Provides an email obfuscator for use in various platforms.
Laravel 5.x middleware to enforce https redirection for your app.
Automatically generates files for laravel project
A Couchbase based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel
Core module for our REST API based on Lumen framework.
Laravel5 JSONAPI and Dingo together to build APIs fast
A Couchbase based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel
Google Url Shortener API Package for Laravel 5.1
A trait you can apply to Eloquent models to have slugs automatically generated on save.
Helps building nice, normalized and easy to consume REST API responses.

Laravel 扩展