使用自定义错误消息的 required_with 没有效果


        "title" => [1 => "1", 2 => null],
        "body" => [1 => null,2 => "<p>2</p>"],
        "title.1" => "required_with:body.1|nullable|string|max:255",
        "body.1" => "required_with:title.1|nullable|string",
        "title.2" => "required_with:body.2|nullable|string|max:255",
        "body.2" => "required_with:title.2|nullable|string",
        "title.1.required_with:body.1" => "The 中文 (简体) title is required when content 中文 (简体) is present.",
        "body.1.required_with:title.1" => "The 中文 (简体) content is required when title 中文 (简体) is present.",
        "title.2.required_with:body.2" => "The 中文 (繁體) title is required when content 中文 (繁體) is present.",
        "body.2.required_with:title.2" => "The 中文 (繁體) content is required when title 中文 (繁體) is present.",


The body.1 field is required when title.1 is present.
The title.2 field is required when body.2 is present.


The 中文 (简体) content is required when title 中文 (简体) is present.
The 中文 (繁體) title is required when content 中文 (繁體) is present.

然后我在 Illuminate\Validation\Concerns\FormatsMessagesgetFromLocalArray() 发现

"getFromLocalArray -> $keys"
array:2 [▼
  0 => "body.1.required_with"
  1 => "required_with"

"getFromLocalArray -> $this->customMessages"
array:4 [▼
  "title.1.required_with:body.1" => "The 中文 (简体) title is required when content 中文 (简体) is present."
  "body.1.required_with:title.1" => "The 中文 (简体) content is required when title 中文 (简体) is present."
  "title.2.required_with:body.2" => "The 中文 (繁體) title is required when content 中文 (繁體) is present."
  "body.2.required_with:title.2" => "The 中文 (繁體) content is required when title 中文 (繁體) is present."

keys 和 customMessages 的键名对不上,请问我的自定义验证规则有什么写错了吗?

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我们将带你从零开发一个项目并部署到线上,本课程教授 Web 开发中专业、实用的技能,如 Git 工作流、Laravel Mix 前端工作流等。
《L05 电商实战》
从零开发一个电商项目,功能包括电商后台、商品 & SKU 管理、购物车、订单管理、支付宝支付、微信支付、订单退款流程、优惠券等
讨论数量: 2


        "required_with:body.1" => "The 中文 (简体) title is required when content 中文 (简体) is present.",
        "required_with:title.1" => "The 中文 (简体) content is required when title 中文 (简体) is present.",
        "required_with:body.2" => "The 中文 (繁體) title is required when content 中文 (繁體) is present.",
        "required_with:title.2" => "The 中文 (繁體) content is required when title 中文 (繁體) is present.",

这样1 2的写...代码有点....

6年前 评论

@Kurisu 试了不行。感觉关键是和 "getFromLocalArray() -> $this->customMessages" 键名不对。对了是你 Laravel 5.4 吗?

6年前 评论
