自定义表单验证类的 $fail 该怎么响应

1. 运行环境

1). 当前使用的 Laravel 版本?

laravel 10.11

2. 问题描述?


namespace App\Rules;

use App\Models\Product\Product;
use App\Models\Product\Sku\ProductAttrItem;
use App\Services\Common\HashIdService;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ValidationRule;

class ProductSkuEnable implements ValidationRule
    public function validate(string $attribute, mixed $value, Closure $fail): void
        $sku = ProductAttrItem::query()
            ->where('product_id', app(HashIdService::class)->decode(request()->get('product_id')))

        if (is_null($sku)) {

        if ($sku->stock < request()->get('quantity')) {

测试发现,当 $sku 是 null 的时候,仍然会判断第二个 if,接着报错 Attempt to read property \"stock\" on null

如果是把这段代码写在 Request 类中闭包验证,可以通过 return $fail(...) 解决这个问题,但是在 Rule 类中 validate 方法是抽象类 ValidationRule 的接口,并且是被定义得空返回值,不能加 return


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1年前 评论
W-W (楼主) 1年前
讨论数量: 4


1年前 评论
W-W (楼主) 1年前

你可以elseif解决你现在这个问题 我刚刚大概看了一下这个源码部分 那个闭包就是处理了那个自定义验证的消息 添加到Validator的messages里面

protected function prepareRule($rule, $attribute)

        if (... || $rule instanceof ValidationRule) {
            $rule = InvokableValidationRule::make($rule);


        return (string) $rule;

public static function make($invokable)
        return new InvokableValidationRule($invokable);


protected function validateAttribute($attribute, $rule)
        $this->currentRule = $rule;

        [$rule, $parameters] = ValidationRuleParser::parse($rule);


        if ($rule instanceof RuleContract) {
            return $validatable
                    ? $this->validateUsingCustomRule($attribute, $value, $rule)
                    : null;


protected function validateUsingCustomRule($attribute, $value, $rule)
        if (! $rule->passes($attribute, $value)) {
            $ruleClass = $rule instanceof InvokableValidationRule ?
                get_class($rule->invokable()) :

            $this->failedRules[$attribute][$ruleClass] = [];
            $messages = $this->getFromLocalArray($attribute, $ruleClass) ?? $rule->message();

            $messages = $messages ? (array) $messages : [$ruleClass];

            foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
                $key = is_string($key) ? $key : $attribute;
               //添加到 Validator类的$messages属性里面  这样在异常捕获的时候可以拿到这个消息
                $this->messages->add($key, $this->makeReplacements(
                    $message, $key, $ruleClass, []

看一下是怎么验证的 会调用Illuminate\Validation\InvokableValidationRule类的passes方法

public function passes($attribute, $value)
        $this->failed = false;


        $method = $this->invokable instanceof ValidationRule
                        ? 'validate'
                        : '__invoke';
        $this->invokable->{$method}($attribute, $value, function ($attribute, $message = null) {
            $this->failed = true;
            //这里就是去翻译消息 添加到当前类的$messages属性上面
            return $this->pendingPotentiallyTranslatedString($attribute, $message);

        return ! $this->failed;

protected function pendingPotentiallyTranslatedString($attribute, $message)
        $destructor = $message === null
            ? fn ($message) => $this->messages[] = $message
            : fn ($message) => $this->messages[$attribute] = $message;

        return new class($message ?? $attribute, $this->validator->getTranslator(), $destructor) extends PotentiallyTranslatedString
             * The callback to call when the object destructs.
             * @var \Closure
            protected $destructor;

             * Create a new pending potentially translated string.
             * @param  string  $message
             * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator  $translator
             * @param  \Closure  $destructor
            public function __construct($message, $translator, $destructor)
                parent::__construct($message, $translator);

                $this->destructor = $destructor;

             * Handle the object's destruction.
             * @return void
            public function __destruct()
1年前 评论
W-W (楼主) 1年前
