InteractsWithQueue 中 重试次数用尽后调用的是fail还是failed?

事件系统《Laravel 10 中文文档》


namespace App\Listeners;

use App\Events\OrderShipped;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Throwable;

class SendShipmentNotification implements ShouldQueue
    use InteractsWithQueue;

     * 事件处理。
    public function handle(OrderShipped $event): void
        // ...

     * 处理失败任务。
    public function failed(OrderShipped $event, Throwable $exception): void
        // ...

我在 InteractsWithQueue 代码中 发现只提供了 fail 方法.


namespace Illuminate\Queue;

use DateTimeInterface;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job as JobContract;
use Illuminate\Support\InteractsWithTime;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Throwable;

trait InteractsWithQueue
    use InteractsWithTime;

     * The underlying queue job instance.
     * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job|null
    public $job;

     * Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
     * @return int
    public function attempts()
        return $this->job ? $this->job->attempts() : 1;

     * Delete the job from the queue.
     * @return void
    public function delete()
        if ($this->job) {
            return $this->job->delete();

     * Fail the job from the queue.
     * @param  \Throwable|string|null  $exception
     * @return void
    public function fail($exception = null)
        if (is_string($exception)) {
            $exception = new ManuallyFailedException($exception);

        if ($exception instanceof Throwable || is_null($exception)) {
            if ($this->job) {
                return $this->job->fail($exception);
        } else {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The fail method requires a string or an instance of Throwable.');

     * Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
     * @param  \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|int  $delay
     * @return void
    public function release($delay = 0)
        $delay = $delay instanceof DateTimeInterface
            ? $this->secondsUntil($delay)
            : $delay;

        if ($this->job) {
            return $this->job->release($delay);

     * Set the base queue job instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job  $job
     * @return $this
    public function setJob(JobContract $job)
        $this->job = $job;

        return $this;

原来我以为fail方法是每次失败都会调用,failed 是 重试次数用完才会调用,但我没看到failed方法。


《L04 微信小程序从零到发布》
《L02 从零构建论坛系统》
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讨论数量: 1

fail 是手动让任务失败,failed 是任务失败后才执行的

// vendor/illuminate/events/CallQueuedListener.php

     * Call the failed method on the job instance.
     * The event instance and the exception will be passed.
     * @param  \Throwable  $e
     * @return void
    public function failed($e)

        $handler = Container::getInstance()->make($this->class);

        $parameters = array_merge(array_values($this->data), [$e]);

        if (method_exists($handler, 'failed')) {
1年前 评论
