一个支持自定义规则的数据脱敏工具包 `leoboy/desensitization`,欢迎大家品尝鉴赏

GITHUB: leoboy/desensitization

一个支持自定义规则的数据脱敏工具包 `leoboy/desensitization`,欢迎大家品尝鉴赏

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《L04 微信小程序从零到发布》
《G01 Go 实战入门》
从零开始带你一步步开发一个 Go 博客项目,让你在最短的时间内学会使用 Go 进行编码。项目结构很大程度上参考了 Laravel。
讨论数量: 3

歪个楼,我司也有数据脱敏的需求,一开始使用的也是 desensitization,后来发现更专业的说法是 redaction

下面来自 GPT:

In English, the term "redaction" is more commonly used when referring to the process of editing or censoring text for publication, often to obscure or remove sensitive information. "Desensitization," on the other hand, is not typically used in this context; it generally refers to the process of making someone less sensitive to something, often used in psychological contexts.

So, if you are talking about the process of obscuring or removing sensitive information from data, "redaction" would be the appropriate term to use. For example:

  • "The document underwent redaction to protect personal information."
  • "Redaction is necessary to ensure that confidential data is not disclosed."
8个月前 评论
messikiller (楼主) 8个月前
翟宇鑫 8个月前
